CCT Data Science Group Procedures


Kristina Riemer

Kimberly. M. Huynh

Christophe Schnaufer

Julian Pistorius

Jorge. E. Barrios

Emily. J. Cain

Jessica Guo

Eric R. Scott

Renata Diaz

David S. LeBauer



This book is to document the processes, resources, and internal workings of the Communications & Cyber Technologies Data Science Team at the University of Arizona. A public facing version of what we do and how to work with us is available at our website.

The CCT Data Science Team is a research support unit that helps life sciences researchers learn and apply data science tools and skills to their scientific projects. We are a small group of data scientists and research software engineers that work with domain researchers in the ALVSCE division through a variety of programming. We host workshops to demonstrate use of modern computational tools, work on collaborative projects, and help researchers one-on-one. The team teaches and applies a broad array of topics from best practices in R to version control using git to open and reproducible research workflows.