
Statistical Rethinking

The book

The 2020 edition is available as an eBook through the UA library. Permalink here.

The 2018 (permalink here) edition is also available. The chapters differ slightly. We will be using the 2020 edition.

Video lectures

Here is the playlist of McElreath’s 2023 lectures.

Homework exercises

McElreath has posted problem sets corresponding to the lectures above.

R implementations


McElreath’s rethinking package.

To install rethinking, you will first need to install cmdstanr. Follow the instructions here. Note that if you do not have CmdStan and a C++ toolchain installed, you’ll need to install those as well. There are instructions here. This can take a while!


This bookdown book works through the examples and problem questions in McElreath’s book using brms.

Here’s a link to the brms package.


Here is an implementation in R and stan.