Leveling up your data visualization skills with ggplot2

Have you created some basic plots using the R package ggplot2? Do you want to advance your understanding of how ggplot2 works, or improve your skills with visualization details? Then this workshop series may be for you!

This three-part series will teach you the skills to refine & expand your current ggplot2 skills so you can generate complex, publication-quality plots efficiently and reproducibly. We will cover: 1) the latest developments in and underpinnings of ggplot2, 2) principles of effective visual design and how to implement these in ggplot2, 3) and the ever-expanding landscape of extensions to create animated, geospatial, interactive, and other varieties of plots. These sessions are stand-alone, so feel free to attend any or all of them!

See more details and register for each session on their page:

  1. Foundations of ggplot2
  2. Effective Data Communication With ggplot2
  3. Exploring The Wide World of ggplot2 Extensions