3  Group Expectations

Everyone should follow the Code of Conduct.

4 Group’s Google Calendar

There are two university available calendar providers that are used by our group; Google and Microsoft (MS) Office calendars, with Google Calendar being primary. The MS Office calendars are used by other groups, and our group mostly uses them to keep informed of activities.

It’s possible to connect an Office calendar to your Google calendar: forum instructions.

Our group has a group-wide calendar for communicating within the group. If you can’t add this calendar to your account, ask someone in the group to add you.

See the rest of this page for when to use the group’s calendar.

5 Working hours and time off

  • Everyone is expected to be in during normal working hours. Since we are distributed across time zones, work with Kristina to establish your working hours.
  • Please let Kristina know at least 2 weeks in advance of any vacation time.
  • You can ask HR (or look in UAccess) to track your available sick and vacation time. This is an important and valuable part of your compensation!
  • Please be sure to update the CCT Group Calendar with your time off. The calendar entry only needs to include your name and when you will be out; details about the what or why are not necessary.

6 Communication

  • We use multiple methods of communication: In Person, Email, Slack, GitHub, Zoom, Google Drive, Google Calendars; see Group Communication for details.
  • We should all aim to reply to inquiries within a day. If someone doesn’t reply in a timely fashion, please remind them early, often, and through multiple channels.
  • Everyone should do their best to keep their calendars up to date, to make scheduling meetings with collaborators, etc. easier.

7 Feedback and Iteration

Feedback is essential to our group. Expect me to ask for it, and expect to provide feedback at any time, through any channel. Please let me know if you have any questions.

8 Time reporting

9 Computer backups

  • We should all keep backups of our computers in at least two place - ideally, one in the cloud and one on a physical hard drive.
  • Also, push to GitHub at least daily!