7  Quarterly Meetings

7.1 Quarters

Quarters are three months long

  • Q1 = January - March
  • Q2 = April - June
  • Q3 = July - September
  • Q4 = October - December

7.1.1 Quarterly review meetings

These meetings happen once during the the first week or two of each quarter, and last one day. This is done outside of our normal office space—typically off campus or in a quiet room on campus.

The purpose is for the group to present progress on last quarter’s OKRs and discuss current quarter’s OKRs. This is also a time for general discussion about group vision, projects, funding, etc. Preparing for Quarterly Review Meetings

  • Two weeks before
    • Create agenda and notes page using template
    • Create a new OKR workbook if one doesn’t exist (OKR Template)
    • Update previous quarter OKRs
    • Draft next quarter OKRs
    • Review with Kristina
  • One week before
    • Create a presentation and put it in the Review and Planning folder including:
      • Key accomplishments
      • What went well, what didn’t
      • Plans for next quarter
      • Ideas for group
    • Review agenda from previous quarter
    • Review and add to agenda for current quarter Standing Agenda Topics

  • Team building fun stuff
  • Individual Presentations
    • Major accomplishments
    • What went well, what didn’t
    • Plans for next quarter
  • Review and update mission & vision
  • OKRs
    • review previous quarter’s
    • individually write next quarter’s
    • review next quarter with group (one at a time) Previous Quarterly Review Meetings

7.2 OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)

OKRs are a framework for goalsetting developed and used by Google. You can learn more about OKRs from whatmatters.com

Each member has their own set of OKRs per quarter, and there also may be group OKRs. They should all have quantifiable, specific outcomes, and should also be stretch goals.

You should create draft OKRs before the end of the quarter and discuss them with Kristina before the quarterly review meeting.

7.2.1 OKRs During the Quarter

Each member should be reviewing their OKRs regularly, at least once per month, on their own. Kristina will review OKRs with group members once a month at one-on-one meetings.

You are encouraged to add or edit key results during a quarter due to unexpected events or priority shifts.