9  Impact Tracking

It is very important for us to collect information and feedback on how we are helping researchers do their work. We want to have collections of metrics, testimonials, and other forms of data on our engagements and their effectiveness. The methods by which we do this will always be evolving and we’ll list them here.

9.1 Metrics of success

  • Number of and effort on longer term collaborative projects
  • Number of consultations, i.e., one-off or limited number of interactions
  • Number of incubator projects successfully completed
  • Number of (ALVSCE + non-ALVSCE) workshop participants
  • Coauthorship or acknowledgements in publications
  • Authoring data publications
  • PI or co-PI status on funded grants
  • Contributions to grants

9.2 Where to track enagements

  1. For quantitative measures of ALVSCE-specific work, we update effort spreadsheets quarterly. CY23 FY23 CY24
  2. To track positive feedback (verbal or written), add ad-hoc to Testimonials doc.
  3. To have a record of who we’ve talked to and about what, add people to the UA Networking Contacts spreadsheet.