24  Vignettes Overview

24.1 Purpose

The vignettes are to document technical skills and approaches that our group members learn, that are not well-documented in other places, e.g., online tutorials, blog posts. Creating these vignettes provide a way to share knowledge amongst and outside the group as we learn new things.

24.2 Process

  1. Investigate the desired skill using existing documentation and by using the tool / approach
  2. Summarize findings and add them as a new vignette to this section. See instructions in “Editing this book”.
  3. Share, when appropriate:
    • With the group as a demo during sprint planning
    • With collaborators via email or meeting
    • With the broader public via Mastodon or a blog post

24.3 Possible vignette topics

  • Sending automated emails using University of Arizona’s instance of Posit Connect
  • Using Jetstream 2 to set up virtual machines
  • Connecting spreadsheets with databases