5  Regular Meetings

We have roles that rotate among team members every sprint, which be found here.

5.1 Standups

Scope: To give everyone a chance to check in about what they’re working on, and to identify possible solutions for barriers to work.

Documentation: None

Timing: Daily at 9:50 am for approximately ten minutes, except for sprint planning and retrospective days

Structure: Everyone answers the following questions:

  • What have you worked on since the last standup?

  • What are you planning to do today?

  • Is anything blocking your work?

If this leads to more in-depth discussions, the leader or any other team member should suggest that the participants continue their discussion after the meeting or at a different time.

5.2 Individual Meetings

Scope: For each team member to discuss challenges, blockers, plans, successes, and other higher level issues with Kristina that would not be appropriate for other group or project meetings.

Documentation: Shared private notes doc between team member and Kristina.

Timing: Once per week for 30 minutes. One meeting per month will be dedicated to OKR review, and the meeting immediately prior to each quarterly review meeting will be for reviewing last quarter’s OKRs and drafting next quarter’s.


  1. [10 minutes] Project status updates, noting down anything that needs further discussion
  2. [20 minutes] Asking and answering that week’s questions from the list of one-on-one questions OR discussing and finding solutions for anything that’s high priority or problematic

5.3 Outreach Hour

Scope: To make progress on tasks that involve advertising or sharing our group’s work. Can include updating our public-facing website, writing announcements for trainings, putting together materials for presenting on our group, and drafting social media posts.

Documentation: Outreach Hour HackMD notes.

Timing: Once per week for an hour (currently on Mondays from 10-11am).


  1. [10 minutes] Each person select task(s) to work on by reviewing TODOs and rolling TODOs and adding new items
  2. [40 minutes] Work on tasks
  3. [10 minutes] Updates from everyone on how it went, what is remaining, and any barriers

5.4 Project Hour

Scope: To review the status of all projects (incubator and non-incubator) so all team members are aware of overall goals and progress.

Documentation: Project Hour HackMD notes.

Timing: Once per month, alternating with group processes hour and sprint planning (currently on Wednesdays from 11am-noon)


  1. [15 minutes] Review Incubator Projects GitHub board, from right to left columns, with brief status updates from relevant team member, focusing on changes and blockers
  2. [15 minutes] Review Funded/Non-Incubator/Post-Incubator Projects GitHub board, “Potential” and “In Progress” projects, with brief status updates from relevant team member, focusing on changes and blockers
  3. [30 minutes] Cowork on projects

5.5 Group Processes Hour

Scope: To reflect on and refine the various processes that help our group further our mission. This can include making changes to our sprint or project processes, contributing to impact tracking docs, or updating group internal documentation such as this book!

Documentation: Group Processes HackMD notes

Timing: Once per month, alternating with project hour and sprint planning (currently on Wednesdays from 11am-noon)



Pick a topic that requires input from entire team, discuss, and take thorough notes.


  1. [5 minutes] Review tasks
  2. [10-15 minutes] Discuss if needed
  3. [40 minutes] Work on tasks
  4. [5 minutes] Check back in progress

5.6 Sprint Planning

See Sprint Planning.