21  Networking at UA

A list of questions to ask and info to give when talking to new researchers at UA.

21.1 Introduction/info:

  • Your background (data science & domain science)
  • Who we serve (ALVSCE)
  • What we do (training/workshops, data science support, data management, collaborate on grant writing)
  • Explain incubator project

21.2 Questions:

  • What kinds of data does your research group deal with?
  • What data related challenges do you experience?
  • What data science training needs does your group have?
  • How are group members on-boarded in terms of learning data science skills necessary for your lab? (courses, workshops, internal documents, learning from other researchers, etc.)
  • Can we add you to our email list?

21.3 Follow-up:

  • Email links to incubator project page, relevant upcoming workshop(s), drop-in hours
  • Add to email list (if ok with them)
  • Fill out networking contacts spreadsheet