17  Offboarding

17.1 Overview

It is to everyone’s advantage for career aspirations and changes in personnel to be an ongoing and open discussion.

The person who is leaving should inform Kristina as soon as they begin the process of looking for another position or are considering leaving. Then discuss a plan for sharing with other members of the group. The convention of giving two weeks notice is not enough time to wrap up. With more time, the group can help with next steps including finding new positions and creating an exit plan. Further, it typically takes a month or more to effectively document and transfer knowledge of what you are working on.

17.1.1 Resources

17.1.2 Logistics

  • Make sure Kristina knows what your last day will be
  • Return university-owned equipment (computers, books, etc.) to Kristina
  • Create a list of any accounts or permissions that will need to be transferred, and start transferring them.
  • Turn off access to second floor BSRL on Cat Card
  • Leave contact information (e.g., personal email address) in case we need to reach you.

Websites and passwords (Kristina)

  • change permissions as appropriate in group organizations (optional, depending on planned future work)

    • github organizations

      • az-digitalag
      • agpipeline
      • terraref
      • pecanproject
      • sentinel-detection
      • genophenoenvo
    • Google Drive “Group” and other project-specific folders

    • Openstack CALS group

  • Make sure any accounts and websites are transitioned

    • E.g. dockerhub, google drive
  • Remove user accounts and home directories from machines

    • sudo userdel $name && sudo rm -r /home/$name
  • Remove from UA HPC group

17.1.3 Exit Interview

We hope to have a culture of feedback that would prevent unresolved issues or an unexpected departure. The exit interview provides a different context in which to to provide new feedback or reiterate previous feedback in a less constrained.


Questions should be tailored to each individual situation. Here are a few key questions:

  • How have you developed during your time on this team?
  • What did you like most about working on this team? What did you like the least?
  • How could the team have helped you more on the job?
  • What parts of the culture were a good fit for you? What changes would you suggest?
  • What was the most challenging part of this job?
  • Is there anything else that you would like to share?